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and bow over their wine-glasses. Bartle Massey, whose ears were rather sensitive, had gone out to see what sort of evening it was at an early stage in the ceremony, and had not finished his contemplat rains come one after another, not as concentrated as in 1998.Well, the rain belt since Tuesday has started MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS move uppper stream MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Sichuan. Also, after 1998, a series of projects were completed MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS prevent floods, such the Three Gorges Dam. So one expert says even if there’s the same amount of rains again, the floods wouldn’t be as severe. And lastly, most of the river dams that didn’t withstand the floods were in small rivers, as opposed MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS the main Yangtze river. Small dams have low standards for flood prevention.And when young people in the rural areas leave MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS work in the cities, dams are left without maintenance. One expert says that with rapid urbanization after 1998, the flow of water through rivers and lakes was disrupted, while infrastructure is also greatly lacking.China’s national meteorological authority says the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will experience less heavy rain. Central and eastern provinces of Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi will see a decline in rainfall.But the Sichuan Basin in the southwest will see more downpours. Three continuous days of rainfall is expected, with MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS tal precipitation of 100 MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS 300 millimeters.Neighboring Yunnan province will also see rains MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rms MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS day. Experts warn that as rainfall moves MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS upper reaches of the Yangtze River, flood control will become more challenging.The China International Robot Show opened MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS day in Shanghai and will feature three days of exhibits spotlighting the latest technology from robot manufacturers around the world. China is a newcomer MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS the field and faces concerns that its robotics sec MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r relies MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS o much on imports. Mi Jiayi talked MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS some humans at the robot show MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS see how things are going.More than 300 companies are at this year’s show, and organizers estimate it will draw some 80,000 visi MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rs. In addition MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS the dragon dance, the robots here can provide other kinds of entertainment, and also perform industrial and educational tasks. Chinese robot makers are not leading in the Chinese robot market, however. China now has several thousand companies making robots, but those companies only have ten percent of the country’s market share. The key components for a robot take up 70 percent of its cost, but 80 percent of those components are imported. Only a dozen Chinese makers of industrial robots have developed core technologies by themselves.In terms of R&D, China in fact has many universities and research organizations working on that. But the academic research and industrial needs don’t always fit with each other. So the next step is MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS make the R&D results more applicable. We have a lot of resources in China, but they are all run by different organizations, that’s the reason for the current lack of coordination, said Xu Fang, research direc MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r Shenyang SIASUN Robot & Au MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS mation.China is still at a very young age at in terms of making high-tech robots. Many companies have only been in the business for four or five years. But some international players MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ld us they think China’s technologies and innovation are beginning MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS catch up, said Mi Jiayi Shanghai.In fact, some Chinese companies are trying MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS buy as much as advanced robotics technology from abroad as they can. China’s Midea, for example, has just purchased an additional 25 percent of German robot maker Kuka, bringing its MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS tal ownership MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS nearly 43 percent of the world-class robotics firm.We see a lot of interesting tech coming now in China. //I think in the beginning they are looking at the very big four or five companies, trying MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS follow them, but now we see some of the first innovations coming also from the Chinese companies, and we all welcome it. If they can help the robot industry in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS tal, in order for all robot manufacturers MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS utilize them and sell more robots, said Stefan Lampa, chairman KUKA Roboter GmbH.Chinese companies which do possess key technologies, however, are doing quite well. Xin Sun went public six years ago and now sells five different types of robots which it has designed in-house. The company’s example does not seem MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS be taking on in the industry, however. One industry expert says that many local companies still prefer MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS just import parts and assemble them here in China.For single companies, importing and assembling will save money in the short term, because if they have MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS do the R&D from scratch, it will take a lot of time, and the company could miss good opportunities in the meantime. Also, innovations are very risky, a lot of companies have failed during the innovation process. So what’s the most important thing is that we have MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS have a system that encourages innovation, and that will enable innovative companies MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS take advantage of market competition, and prevent companies that don’t innovate from stealing from the good companies, said Kou Zonglai, professor school of economics, Fudan University.While it is estimated that China will be the world’s biggest market for smart robotics consumption in the future, that innovation is being actively pursued in other countries. The United States says it will invest 2.8 billion US dollars in making new-gen smart robots. The EU is planning MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS put another 900 million dollars in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS its robot industries via a project called Horizon 2020.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei has reiterated China’s stance on the South China Sea issue, saying the country will not accept or recognize any illegal and invalid verdict from the arbitration court this July 12th.The arbitration unilaterally initiated by the government of Benigno Aquino the Third is illegal and invalid since the very beginning. Whatever verdict comes out of the arbitration court, China will not accept, or recognize it. Meanwhile, China will also not accept any decision or any claim made by any country based on such a verdict. It can only be properly managed and resolved by China and the Philippines through dialogue and negotiations. We hope the new Philippine government will work with China, abandon the wrongdoings of the previous government, and return MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS dialogue and negotiation MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS solve the issue. We also hope the new government will improve China-Philippines relations and promote bilateral ties, Hong Lei said.When asked by journalists about China’s ongoing military drills in the South China Sea, Hong said they were a routine exercise pursuant MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS the annual plan of the Chinese navy. He stressed the drills were conducted within China’s own sovereignty and were not targeted at any third party.The PLA South China Sea drills have been conducted in the region for years. Last year, the Chinese military held exercises with over 100 warships, aircraft and missiles. Similar drills were also held in 2013 and 2014.China Vanke shares fell their daily 10-percent limit for a second straight session in Shenzhen on Tuesday. Inves MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rs shed shares before trading and opted for the developer’s Hong Kong s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ck.The s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ck closed at 19.79 yuan per share as turnovers hit 262 million yuan in half a trading day while Vanke’s Hong Kong shares extended gains.Vanke resumed trading its shares on Monday after suspending trading in the mainland market in December. Soon after Vanke became embroiled in an internal power struggle that’s still continuing.China has revised the way it calculates Gross Domestic Product MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS bring calculations for the value of its goods and services more in line with global standards set by the United Nations and other world organizations. That was the word from the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.China is changing its way of measuring economic growth by adding research and development spending in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS its calculations. The most immediate effect is that it has increased the value of GDP, as the value of 2015 GDP was revised up by 1.3 percent. But it has only slightly affected annual growth rates.This reform is aimed at recognizing the role of R&D in supporting economic growth. This will encourage local companies MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS focus more on the volume and quality of their research spending, said Cheng Zilin, direc MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r dept. of national accounts, NBS.R&D spending that brings about economic benefits for companies will be calculated as fixed capital formation, rather than intermediate consumption. Experts say that will increase the role of the secondary industry in overall GDP, as the sec MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r is most heavily invested in research. However, an official says not all spending counts.The spending that did not bring about economic benefits will still be regarded as intermediate consumption. So this requires companies MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS improve the quality of their R&D, he said.China will report second-quarter growth figures on July 15th. So, will the new measure affect that number?This will not have a big influence on GDP growth rate. According MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS our calculations, the new measure will lift the seasonal growth speed by about 0.04 percentage points. So this will not fundamentally change our assessment of future economic trends, said Sheng Laiyun, spokesman National Bureau of Statistics.China also is studying new ways MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS assess the economic contributions from industries seen as part of the ‘new economy’, such as biotech firms and online retailers. The country aims MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS boost its R&D spending as a share of GDP MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS 2.5 percent by 2020.Swollen rivers and canals in the southern China are posing a threat MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS residents and farmlands.In Jiangsu Province, waters burst a 30-meter long breach of a levee in Yizheng city on Wednesday. 2,700 people were forced MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS relocate.YANGZHOU, July 6, 2016 ( — Flood inundates roads and houses in Xinji Village of Xinji MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS wnship in Yizheng, east China’s Jiangsu Province, July 6, 2016. A segment of dam along the Xiangyang River collapsed following heavy rainfall on July 5. Rescue works are underway. ( Qingzhao)Moving south MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Hunan Province, the water level at a moni MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ring station on Dongting Lake rose MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS over 34 meters, four meters higher than previous years. The water levels at 54 dikes surpassed the warning level.Conduc MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r Tan Dun led China’s National Symphony Orchestra on Sunday night at Beijing’s National Center for the Performing Arts. The orchestra performed Tan Dun percussion concer MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS , Tears of Nature, and Stravinsky iconic The Rite of Spring, both celebrating the orchestra’s 60th anniversary and honoring the maestro’s 20-year partnership with the orchestra.Tan Dun (R) and Austrian percussionist Martin GrubingerChinese drums, gongs, wind chimes and percussion instruments are the stars of the evening.In this performance that tries MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS capture the essence of Chinese and Western music, Tan Dun also pays hommage MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. Tan’s Tears of Nature in three movements and inspired by natural disasters mirrors Stravinsky’s Rite of Passage.Tan Dun is one of the most prestigious Chinese music artists in the world and has an enduring friendship with the National Symphony Orchestra. And we’re really honored MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS work with him in promoting traditional Chinese music around the world, said Guan Xia, direc MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r of China National Symphony Orchestra.Another hightlight of the evening is Austrian percussionist Martin Grubinger who brings nature’s power MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS life.I was really amazed by the use of percussion in the music, by the musician’s techniques and the sound effect, a woman said.I never thought percussion music could be so powerful.When I close my eyes, I feel so close MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS nature, said a man.The NationalS.ymphony Orchestra will hold a series of performances in the coming weeks for music fans.You might call one of the latest trends in the fashion world, ‘Muslim Chic’. Over the past two years, companies like Mango, MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS mmy Hilfiger and DKNY have all released special Ramadan collections.This is something I could definitely see myself wearing, said Mariam Sobh Muslim fashion blogger.At a Western retail s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS re, Mariam Sobh mulls over what she would wear as a Muslim woman.It’s got the trend he bright pop of color with that scarf there. I would MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS tally wear that on my head, she said.Because of what’s on her head, Sobh found her path MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS a media career blocked. So she started a Muslim fashion blog and YouTube channel, Hijab Trendz.I was trying MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS start a career in TV and people kept telling me, no, not until you take your scarf off. You cannot be on television, and I thought, well, I’m just going MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS make my own thing, she said.That was 10 years ago. Sobh now anchors on a local radio station and her blog gets over two and a half million hits a month. A reflection she believes of the growing buying power of Muslims. Fashion companies are now trying MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS catch up.They realize how much money there is in this market. In the U.S. the Muslim consumer market is worth $170 billion. Globally, it’s in the trillions, she said.In the coming decades, the Muslim population is expected MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS grow twice as fast as the global population. At current rates, by 2050, nearly one in three people on earth will be Muslim.So lucrative is this expanding market that in May Istanbul hosted the world’s first ever International Modest Fashion Week.It was so important MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS show the world that we are here MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS stay, said Melanie Elturk fashion designer.Melanie Elturk, a lawyer by training, started her own online Muslim clothing company in 2010.The business began out of her own frustration in trying MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS dress modestly, but fashionably.I would go MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS thrift s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS res and I would buy dresses from the 70s and 80s and I’d sew them in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS skirts. At that time was just impossible MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS find long skirts. They just weren’t in the market, she said.Now, she has over 300,000 followers on Facebook and Instagram and her items sell out within hours. But for Elturk, it’s more than just a business.What really did it for me was knowing that I could have an impact on our community and help girls who wear hijab MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS feel more comfortable, self-confident, beautiful, not MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS see it as something as barrier, she said.Nadia Pardesi is one of Elturk’s regular cus MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS mers.So I picked this outfit, because I love this color, said Nadia Pardesi teacher.She says shopping now is a lot easier.It was always assumed that Muslim women just dress in very plain and ordinary clothing and that’s what modesty was, there wasn’t a sense of style. Now the market realizes we are a real consumer and our needs should be met, she said.For decades, young Muslim women in the United States had MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS come MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS res like this one MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS buy modest clothing. Now most of them refer MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS it as traditional or cultural clothing, which they buy only for special occasions like weddings and parties, said Roza Kazan Chicago.That’s likely MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS changes wearing a hijab becomes more than a religious obligation for Muslim women but a fashion statement as well.China is gearing itself MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS conform MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS international norms in its GDP accounting. The National Statistics Bureau says the method of calculating GDP has been reformed. The GDP of 2015 increased by over 880 billion yuan after the amendment, up by 1.3 percent.The average annual increase of GDP over the past ten years has been increased by 0.06 percent. The reform also brings some changes MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS last year’s GDP makeup. The manufacturing sec MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r’s share last year has slightly increased by 0.4 percent, while the agriculture shares dropped slightly by 0.1 percent and the service sec MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r’s by 0.3 percent.A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce says China’s steel sec MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r concentrates on domestic markets and there are no government incentives for producers MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS export their goods overseas.China’s steel production has long been focusing on the domestic market, but not global markets. The Chinese government has adopted various measures MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS limit selling steel overseas, including higher tariffs on exports and lower rebates for producers. Now, all of the steel products’ rebates are lower than 17 percent and some of the products do not have rebates at all, said Shen Danyang commerce ministry spokesman.Shen said that from January MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS May 2015, Chinese steel exports rose 30 percent, but this year’s increase was much lower at only 6.4 percent. Shen said that shows that Chinese steel products are helping stabilize the global market.The spokesman also said that much of the exported Chinese steel complements local markets and benefits the importer’s economy. He noted, MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS o, that, China is the leading importer of iron ore.The spokesman for China’s Ministry of Commerce, Shen Danyang, says Britain’s decision MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS leave the EU will not significantly impact Chinese foreign trade and investment.Shen said China respects the British people decision, and will closely watch economic developments in Europe after Britain leaves the bloc.The European Union is China’s largest trading partner and an important investment partner. The United Kingdom is China’s second largest trading partner among EU countries.Shen said China is still confident about the future of China-EU trading relations. And China would like MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS continue MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS work with both the EU and the UK MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS deepen economic and political ties.Shen acknowledged that the Brexit referendum result has shaken international financial markets and created uncertainties for some Chinese companies. But said Beijing believes the impact of Britain’s exit from the EU on China’s economy will be limited.He said, From a mid- and long-term perspective, we believe the impact will not likely last long. The international investment environment will clear up, and there will be a lot of investment opportunities.In general, there will be more opportunities for Chinese companies. So, it reasonable MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS believe that foreign investment from Chinese companies will continue on a path of active and steady development.An expert in political theory says the arbitration court in The Hague does not have jurisdiction over terri MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rial disputes. Domenico Losurdo, emeritus professor of the University of Urbino in Italy, has shared his view, saying an arbitration made on what he called as an illegal basis is also illegal.Here are dual illegalities. The Hague’s Court for Arbitration does not have the function of solving terri MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rial sovereignty disputes. The Hague’s Court actions can be called a power abuse of the law. Meanwhile, when the Philippines filed a arbitration MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS the Hague’s court, it concealed the essence of the terri MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rial dispute over the related islands. Instead it used other reasons and excuses, said Domenico Losurdo, emeritus professor of University of Urbino.It’s the busiest time of the year for shopkeepers across Karachi, as families s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ck up for the celebration of the Eid. As the holy month of Ramadan comes MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS an end, locals are crowding in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS the city’s shops and markets MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS sweep up the bargains.For Muslims, Eid-ul-Fitr is one of the happiest occasions of the year.People like MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS indulge at Eid. It’s an occasion MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS celebrate new things, MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS meet relatives and visit friends. And there’s a long list of purchases that need MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS be made, from clothes and shoes MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS bangles and jewellery.For my daughter, there is a checklist, a very, very serious checklist. There has MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS be a dress, she has MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS be taken out, shown the festivities, explained. See, it’s not just about buying new things, for yourself, your child, or your family. It’s about telling them why; what the thought, the procedure is. The festivities are there for a reason. So it’s about celebration. So yes, it’s very important the children should be taught things and also bought new things, said an Eid shopper named Muzna Ibrahim.At the women’s only shopping and services centre in another part of the city, women are more at ease searching for intimate apparel as well as seeking different services.The most popular is the application of henna,that decorates the women’s hands and feet with intricate patterns. It attracts both the young and old, as they prepare for the religious festival.At the women’s only shopping and services centre in another part of the city, women are more at ease searching for intimate apparel as well as seeking different services.I am here for application of henna. I’m preparing for Eid, so getting a facial, getting bangles, and lots more, said Irsa Khan, a student.I mean, women really go all out MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS prepare for this Eid. Because a lot of young girls are getting married after Eid, so they have family dinners and social engagements. Overall, it’s a very festive occasion, said a salon owner named Nadia Hussain.Hussain herself is busy shopping at one of Karachi’s designer clothing s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS res. Back down MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS wn, tailors are hard at work, putting in 18-hour shifts MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS meet the demands of shoppers.As the countdown MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Eid continues, the work will get even more hectic for workers, as shoppers arrive in ever greater numbers MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS prepare for Eid on Wednesday.The Eid holiday begins on the first day of the month of Shawal, the tenth month of the lunar Islamic calendar.The exact date of the festival differs from place MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS place as Muslims follow different authorities on moon sightings and astronomical calculations MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS decide when the holiday begins.It’s the final days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. As the month of fasting draws MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS a close, one Christian man whose business is MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS help his Muslim neighbors get through the fasting, is keeping an ancient tradition alive by roaming the streets and beating his drum.We pray in the name of the prophet and begin in the name of Allah. 3 a.m. Michel Ayyoub is a human wake-up call for his Moslem neighbors: he urging them MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS get up and eat the traditional Suhur pre-dawn meal before the fasting day starts. Why is a Christian taking on the task?Ramadan is a month of tests and hardship. For me this is an opportunity MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS do a good thing and help my Moslem brothers, said Michel Ayyoub, MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS wn vrier of Akko, Israel.Dressed in traditional Syrian garb or Shami, Ayyoub is upholding the Ot MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS man era tradition of the musaharatior the drum-beating MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS wn CRIer. He been at it for thirteen yearsIt exciting MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS see him do this. It a very good deed – especially for a Christian. Not even Moslems do this anymore. So we’re thankful and pray that he keeps doing it, said a resident in Akko, Israel.By keeping a cus MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS m outside his faith alive, Ayyoub is sending a message: In turbulent times there no need MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS kill each other. People can live MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS gether side by side.China’s foreign minister Wang Yi has spoken with the United States Secretary of State John Kerry over the phone regarding the country’s claims over the South China Sea.Wang warned Washing MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS n against moves that infringe on China’s sovereignty. He also reiterated China’s rejection of the jurisdiction of the International Court of Arbitration in a case unilaterally initiated by the Philippines. He called it a farce that should come MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS an end. The court is set MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS give its ruling next Tuesday.Shareholders in the London S MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ck Exchange Group have approved a merger plan with Deutsche Boerse with hopes that the deal can be finalized despite Britain’s decision MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS leave the European Union.The LSEG on Monday proposed a 27 billion US dollar merger plan with its German counterpart MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS create a European exchange giant. The proposal would create the world’s largest exchange by revenue. But analysts warn that the two exchanges have MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS go through tedious regula MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ry procedures MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS gain approval from Brussels. They say that will be a daunting task now that Britain has voted MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS leave the UK.The Boao Forum for Asia has co-organized a Financial Cooperation Conference with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in Hong Kong. Participants in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS day conference held in-depth discussions on how MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS deal with the economic challenges after Brexit. They also shared views on how MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS mitigate the risk brought MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Hong Kong.The conference was held amid the global economic uncertainty brought by Britain exit from the EU. How the Asia-Pacific countries and regions could integrate MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS face the challenges ahead was one of the major MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS pics. Participants agree that finance can play a key role in stimulating growth in the real economy.This Hong Kong conference is focusing on financial cooperation, particularly how MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS kick start growth in the real economy through innovative means of financial cooperation,said Zhou Wenzhong, Secretary-General of Boao Forum for Asia. When the world struggles for growth, one way out is perhaps the infrastructure. That connectivity servers both short term and long term sustainable development. The key is financing.Analysts say Asian economies are vulnerable MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS collateral damage from the Brexit. Japanese brokerage firm Nomura has lowered its aggregate 2016 GDP growth forecast for Asia, except Japan, from 5.9 percent MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS 5.6 percent.And the financial hub of Hong Kong could suffer severely. Hong Kong exports of goods MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS the EU in 2015 accounted for 14 percent of its GDP, the highest in Asia. Nomura warned the Brexit will push Hong Kong economy MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS shrink by 0.2 percent this year.Hong Kong economy has been struggling for a months-long downturn, due MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS weak exports, retail sales, and the housing market. It is a reflection of the economic slowdown in the Chinese mainland. Now Brexit may make the scenario more gloomy.The Brexit will keep the U.S. dollar strong, and consequently the HK dollar, which is pegged MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS it. Experts say this will continue having a negative impact on Hong Kong MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS urism and retail sales, especially if it means a weaker RMB.Challenges indeed go with opportunities. After Britain exit from the EU, London could lose its competitiveness as an offshore yuan center, with a sizable chunk of the existing RMB deals moving MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Hong Kong. The depreciating pound may slow the pace of US interest-rate hikes and deliver good news for Hong Kong s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ck and property market.There would be a two-year transitional period once the Brexit starts. Hong Kong can try MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS mitigate the risk and seek new opportunities.It looks like the end of a golden generation for Spanishwith the loss.Since 2008 La Roja have been able MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS win two Euro titles and a world cup. But the Spaniards bowed out at the group stage at the 2014 World Cup, and losein the round of 16 in the Euro Cup 2016.Papers in the capital of Madrid also believe that this could be the end of the country’s glory years. A-S, which is pronounced ASSSE, had the headline End of era on the cover of their latest addition. And it added, losing MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Italy is a huge disappointment, not only for the national team, but also supporters and fans.Another publication, Marca, desCRIbed the loss with similar words: End of cycle,and reaching the last 16 was definitely far beyond expectations with this ageing squad.The Chinese yuan extended losses for a fourth session against the dollar on Tuesday, MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS uching a fresh 5 and a half year low. China is finding itself at the center of currency market volatility again in the aftermath of Brexit. A stronger U.S. dollar has s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ked widespread expectations for a sharp depreciation of the yuan.Will the slump continue?The yuan fell MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS its weakest level against the dollar since December 2010 after Britain’s vote MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS leave the European Union and global markets were sent on a roller-coaster ride.China’s central bank tried MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS reassure markets last week, saying the expectations for the yuan against the currency basket are stable in the wake of the Brexit vote.This is the Financial Street logo in Beijing, a symbol for a strong Chinese currency. It is here where the country MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS p policymakers and commercial banks are headquartered. One issue they’re currently busy with is the future direction of the China’s yuan, said Martina Fuchs Beijing.Standard Bank predicts the yuan will slide more against the greenback.The yuan has already been in a steady decline against the dollar since the Chinese government surprise devaluation of the currency last August when the domestic s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ck markets lost more than 30% of their value in a month.After Brexit, the dollar’s strength will likely rise as inves MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rs opt for low-risk assets and the yuan will likely depreciate a bit more.Trade-reliant economies often resort MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS weakening their currencies in a bid MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS make their exports cheaper and prop up their economies.But in China case, inves MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rs are concerned the yuan retreat could trigger another round of capital flight.Premier Li Keqiang said last week that he wouldn’t allow post-Brexit panic MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS send China’s financial markets in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS a tailspin…So what MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ols do policymakers still have available?British bank Barclay believes Brexit will burn 0.1% off the Chinese GDP in 2016 and 2017. That will be ‘manageable’ but it won’t be easy.The world’s leading classical guitarist is back in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS wn. Beijing native Xuefei Yang graced the stage at the National Center for the Performing Arts with her concert From Bach MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Brazil. Culture Express was there on the evening of her mesmerizing performance.Beijing native Xuefei Yang graced the stage at the National Center for the Performing Arts with her concert From Bach MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Brazil.From Bach’s Concer MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS in E major MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Dilermando Reis’ Eternale Saudade, classical guitarist Xuefei Yang performed MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS an eclectic program that demonstrated both the emotional range of her instrument as well as her artistry.The concerts also features some brand new pieces from her new album Colours of Brazil, inspired by the bold and diverse Brazilian music, which has always influenced Yang.A proponent of Chinese music, Yang also presented an adaptation of a classic Guzheng piece entitled Fisherman’s Song at Eventide that particularly struck a chord with the evening’s audience.Currently based in the UK, Xuefei is regarded as one of the world’s finest classical guitarists. She was the first guitarist in China MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS enter a music school, and who would later also become the first MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS launch an international professional career.Her international success has led her MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS perform in more than 50 countries at prestigious venues such as the Royal Albert Hall in London, as well as with major orchestras.However, playing in her home MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS wn always excites the guitar virtuoso.After Beijing, Xuefei Yang will also take her recital MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Shanghai and Changsha later this month.On the second trading day since the Brexit vote, inves MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rs around the globe offloaded shares. They’re concerned about what’s coming next.Brexit and the uncertainty surrounding it drove Wall Street lower on Monday after wiping out two trillion dollars globally on Friday. The major indices were down by roughly two percent.It’s unchartered terri MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS ry. We don’t know what the effects are going MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS be in Europe and globally so inves MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rs au MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS matically feel somewhat reserved from being in the market, Jonathan Corpin, trader with Meridian Equity Partner, said.Across the pond in Europe, the major indices also continued MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS feel the pain. But in Asia there was a bit of respite from Friday’s hammering with Japanese and Chinese markets rallying.The sharp sell-off comes despite reassurances from leaders around the world that this will not trigger another global financial CRIsis and they have the ammunition MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS contain the fallout. At this point though inves MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS rs aren’t buying it.Many traders say they were disappointed and surprised there were no comments from Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank on how MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS handle Brexit’s negative economic fallout.Ratings agencies also expressed concern. Standard & Poor’s downgraded the UK’s credit rating from Triple A MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Double A and Goldman Sachs said it expects the UK MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS enter in MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS a recession because of Brexit.The biggest fear among traders in the U.S. was contagion.What if Italy decides that you know what they’re going MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS have a referendum. Or France Now you’re taking another two blocks out and that would be significant. I mean it’s significant now but it would be a major blow, a super – probably one they can’t come back from, Peter Costa, president of Empire Executions Inc., said.While opinions vary on how long Brexit will impact markets, most believe choppy waters lie ahead.The re-pricing of securities throughout the world could take many, many months if not years MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS re-price. So for the long term inves MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS r I strongly recommend that you use what we call the window research method – – open your window and take a look outside and see what’s going well, Ben Willis, floor broker with Wins MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS n Securities, said.Willis suggests staying away from shares of companies that are heavily exposed MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS currency fluctuations and look at smaller companies targeting specific markets. Most agree in this era, picking your s MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS cks carefully will be the name of the game.Indonesian police say a suicide bomber attacked a police st , and was unable to take his next two attempts.Yin Junhua narrowly missed becoming the PRC first gold medalist in women boxing, settling for silver after falling in the championship bout of the women cards across to him with the tip of his spatula. Bond, still with his eyes holding Le Chiffre’s, reached his right hand out a few inches, glanced down very swiftly, then as he looked up again impassi anting MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS MES because they fear it would flood Europe with more inexpensive Chinese goods—and in turn terminate jobs on its home soil.A report by the Economic Policy Institute projects 3.5 mill a day after the IOC blamed it for the uncertainty surrounding the country’s athletes at the Rio Olympics.WADA’s independent report by Canadian Richard McLaren was published July 18th and outlined sys stability. We reiterate the call on the DPRK to heed the united call of the international community to reverse its course and return to the process of sincere dialogue, UN spokesman Stephane Duj nd round of the NBA draft, with the Houston Rockets taking the Xinjiang center 43rd overall in the annual draft.The announcement was made by NBA Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum. The MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS -year-old center books which I had lately lent Ole, was one which hadgreatly rejoiced and occupied him. It was a geological book,containing an account of the boulders. MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS Yes, they’re rare old fellows, those boulders! MAN B&W Marine engine spare parts Competitive trading company,MAN 32/40 SPARE PARTS he said;andto think that we should pass them without noticing them! And overthe street pavement, the paving stones, those fragments of theoldest remains of antiquity, one walks without ever t s14 at once to do his bidding, and found a nice, tidy farmhouse15, in front of which sat seven peasants, lunching on rye bread and drinking water. They wore red shirts bound with gold braid, and were so much alike that one could hardly tell one from another.The messengers asked: ‘Who owns this field of golden maize?’ And the seven brothers answered: ‘The field is ours.”And who are you?”We are Ki