DAIHATSU 6 PSHTdM-26 H Diesel Engine, 1000 kw, 720 rpm

Engine model DAIHATSU 6 PSHTdM-26 H
Bore 60mm
Stroke 320mm
Pme 1.226Mpa
No.of cylinder 6
Piston speed 7.68m/sec
Speed/Min 720
Output/kw 1000
R/G model GWC 36.39
Gear ratio 2.9791
Propeller revs.(rpm) 242
Engine weight/t 9.3
R/G weight/t 2.45
Model 6PSHTdM-26H
R/G model GWC 36.39
L1 2835
12 1400
B 1300
B1 1020
H1 1955
H2-STD 450
H2-Stype 220
H3 2270
H4 680
D 1300
H5 120
H6 410
H7 930
B2 960

Originally posted 2017-05-26 17:19:54.

DAIHATSU 6 DLM-20 Diesel Engine, 625 kw, speed 900 rpm

Engine model DAIHATSU 6 DLM-20
Bore 200mm
Stroke 260mm
Pme 1.836Mpa
No.of cylinder 6
Piston speed 7.8m/sec
Speed/Min 900
Output/kw 625
R/G model GWC 32.36
Gear ratio 3.576
Propeller revs.(rpm) 252
Engine weight/t 6.7
R/G weight/t 2.04
Model 6DLM-20
R/G model GWC 30.32
L1 2645
12 1193
B 830
B1 830
H1 1465
H2-STD 415
H2-Stype 220
H3 1570
H4 450
D 1120
H5 100
H6 350
H7 695
B2 860

Originally posted 2017-05-26 17:19:18.

DAIHATSU 6 DSM-18 A Diesel Engine, 600 kw, speed 900 rpm

Engine model DAIHATSU 6 DSM-18 A
Bore 180mm
Stroke 230mm
Pme 1.836Mpa
No.of cylinder 6
Piston speed 6.9m/sec.
Speed/Min 900
Output/kw 600
R/G model GWC 30.32
Gear ratio 3.52
Propeller revs.(rpm) 256
Engine weight/t 5.5
R/G weight/t 1.47
Model 6DSM-18A
R/G model GWC 28.30
L1 2543
12 1028
B 800
B1 800
H1 1406
H2-STD 410
H2-Stype 220
H3 1470
H4 445
D 900
H5 100
H6 335
H7 615
B2 800

Originally posted 2017-05-26 17:18:34.

DAIHATSU 6 PSHTcM-26 H Diesel Engine, 800 kw, 720 rpm

Engine model DAIHATSU 6 PSHTcM-26 H
Bore 60mm
Stroke 320mm
Pme 1.226Mpa
No.of cylinder 6
Piston speed 7.68m/sec
Speed/Min 720
Output/kw 800
R/G model GWC 32.35
Gear ratio 3.0212
Propeller revs.(rpm) 238
Engine weight/t 9.2
R/G weight/t 2.04
Model 6PSHTcM-26H
R/G model GWC 32.25
L1 2835
12 1238
B 1300
B1 1020
H1 1870
H2-STD 450
H2-Stype 220
H3 2270
H4 680
D 1300
H5 120
H6 380
H7 920
B2 900

Originally posted 2017-05-26 17:17:22.

DAIHATSU 6 DLM-16 Ae Diesle Engine,720 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DLM-16 Ae
MDO Output KW 530
MDO Output PS 720
HFO Output KW
HFO Output PS
Rev /rpm 1200
R/G model drb-6j
L 3020
L1 1978
L2 1042
B 1359
B1 880
H1 1050
H2 295
Bore 165
Stroke 210
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3192
Propeller revolutions 376
H3 1195
H4 6500
D 590
H5 90
H6 350
H7 720
H9 985
H9 /offset 330
B2 1359
B3 940
Engine Weight /t 3.4
Reduction gears Weight /t 1

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:14:13.

DAIHATSU 12 DKM-36 e Diesle Engine,8970 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 12 DKM-36 e
MDO Output KW 6600
MDO Output PS 8970
HFO Output KW 6600
HFO Output PS 8970
Rev /rpm 600
R/G model dra-150j
L 11878
L1 7378
L2 4500
B 3224
B1 1920
H1 3372
H2 605
Bore 360
Stroke 460
No. of cylinders 12v
Gear ratio /typ. 3175
Propeller revolutions 189
H3 2710
H4 1305
D 1400
H5 300
H6 1200
H7 1700
H9 2400
H9 /offset
B2 2645
B3 2500
Engine Weight /t 80
Reduction gears Weight /t 25
R/G model drb-150j
L 11378
L1 7378
L2 4000
B 3224
B1 1920
H1 3372
H2 605
Bore 360
Stroke 460
No. of cylinders 12v
Gear ratio /typ. 3026
Propeller revolutions 198
H3 2710
H4 1305
D 1400
H5 350
H6 1300
H7 1850
H9 2600
H9 /offset 1150
B2 2645
B3 2700
Engine Weight /t 80
Reduction gears Weight /t 23

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:12:00.

DAIHATSU 8 DKM-36 e Diesle Engine,6115 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 8 DKM-36 e
MDO Output KW 4500
MDO Output PS 6115
HFO Output KW 4500
HFO Output PS 6115
Rev /rpm 600
R/G model dra-100j
L 9422.5
L1 5722
L2 3700.5
B 2245
B1 1680
H1 3267
H2 605
Bore 360
Stroke 480
No. of cylinders 8
Gear ratio /typ. 3188
Propeller revolutions 188
H3 2930
H4 1065
D 960
H5 250
H6 850
H7 1696
H9 2250
H9 /offset
B2 2060
B3 1870
Engine Weight /t 67
Reduction gears Weight /t 18
R/G model drb-100j
L 8982
L1 5722
L2 3260
B 2245
B1 1680
H1 3267
H2 605
Bore 360
Stroke 480
No. of cylinders 8
Gear ratio /typ. 2972
Propeller revolutions 202
H3 2930
H4 1065
D 960
H5 250
H6 900
H7 1648
H9 2500
H9 /offset 871
B2 2060
B3 2250
Engine Weight /t 67
Reduction gears Weight /t 17

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:10:40.

DAIHATSU 6 DKM-36 e Diesle Engine,4755 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DKM-36 e
MDO Output KW 3500
MDO Output PS 4755
HFO Output KW 3500
HFO Output PS 4755
Rev /rpm 600
R/G model dra-80j
L 7895.5
L1 4595
L2 3300.5
B 1994
B1 1680
H1 3070
H2 605
Bore 360
Stroke 480
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3023
Propeller revolutions 198
H3 2930
H4 1065
D 1300
H5 250
H6 800
H7 1532
H9 1800
H9 /offset
B2 2060
B3 1600
Engine Weight /t 51
Reduction gears Weight /t 12
R/G model drb-80j
L 4515
L1 4595
L2 3250
B 1994
B1 1680
H1 3070
H2 605
Bore 360
Stroke 480
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3273
Propeller revolutions 183
H3 2930
H4 1065
D 1300
H5 250
H6 830
H7 1583
H9 1880
H9 /offset 860
B2 2060
B3 2000
Engine Weight /t 51
Reduction gears Weight /t 11

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:09:37.

DAIHATSU 6 DKM-26 e Diesle Engine,2665 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DKM-26 e
MDO Output KW 1960
MDO Output PS 2665
HFO Output KW 1840
HFO Output PS 2490
Rev /rpm 750
R/G model dra-30j
L 5735
L1 3395
L2 2340
B 1961
B1 1180
H1 2338
H2 400
Bore 260
Stroke 380
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 2837
Propeller revolutions 264
H3 1970
H4 830
D 1200
H5 90
H6 640
H7 1279
H9 1350
H9 /offset
B2 1950
B3 1240
Engine Weight /t 18
Reduction gears Weight /t 5.5
R/G model drb-35j
L 5485
L1 3395
L2 2090
B 1961
B1 1180
H1 2338
H2 400
Bore 260
Stroke 380
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3030
Propeller revolutions 248
H3 1970
H4 830
D 1200
H5 200
H6 640
H7 1286
H9 1530
H9 /offset 609
B2 1950
B3 1400
Engine Weight /t 18
Reduction gears Weight /t 5.5

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:08:25.

DAIHATSU 16 DCM-32 e Diesle Engine,10930 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 16 DCM-32 e
MDO Output KW 8040
MDO Output PS 10930
HFO Output KW 8040
HFO Output PS 10930
Rev /rpm 750
R/G model dram-150j
L 12169
L1 7469
L2 4700
B 3133
B1 1750
H1 3185
H2 605
Bore 320
Stroke 400
No. of cylinders 16v
Gear ratio /typ. 4692
Propeller revolutions 160
H3 2820
H4 1065
D 1330
H5 300
H6 1200
H7 1700
H9 2400
H9 /offset
B2 3133
B3 2500
Engine Weight /t 82
Reduction gears Weight /t 27
R/G model drbm-150j
L 11669
L1 7469
L2 4200
B 3133
B1 1750
H1 3185
H2 605
Bore 320
Stroke 400
No. of cylinders 16v
Gear ratio /typ. 4692
Propeller revolutions 160
H3 2820
H4 1065
D 1330
H5 350
H6 1300
H7 1850
H9 2600
H9 /offset 1150
B2 3133
B3 2700
Engine Weight /t 82
Reduction gears Weight /t 25

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:06:56.

DAIHATSU 8 DCM-32 e Diesle Engine,5465 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 8 DCM-32 e
MDO Output KW 4020
MDO Output PS 5465
HFO Output KW 4020
HFO Output PS 5465
Rev /rpm 750
R/G model dra-100j
L 8852
L1 5189
L2 3663
B 2669
B1 1450
H1 3077
H2 500
Bore 320
Stroke 400
No. of cylinders 8
Gear ratio /typ. 3995
Propeller revolutions 188
H3 2295
H4 1030
D 910
H5 250
H6 850
H7 1696
H9 2250
H9 /offset
B2 2020
B3 1870
Engine Weight /t 42
Reduction gears Weight /t 18
R/G model drb-100j
L 8164
L1 5189
L2 2975
B 2669
B1 1450
H1 3077
H2 500
Bore 320
Stroke 400
No. of cylinders 8
Gear ratio /typ. 2972
Propeller revolutions 252
H3 2295
H4 1030
D 910
H5 250
H6 900
H7 1648
H9 2500
H9 /offset 871
B2 2020
B3 2250
Engine Weight /t 42
Reduction gears Weight /t 17

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:05:46.

DAIHATSU 6 DCM-32 e Diesle Engine,4120 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DCM-32 e
MDO Output KW 3030
MDO Output PS 4120
HFO Output KW 3030
HFO Output PS 4120
Rev /rpm 750
R/G model dra-80j
L 7054
L1 4189
L2 2865
B 1993
B1 1450
H1 3042
H2 500
Bore 320
Stroke 400
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3720
Propeller revolutions 3343
H3 2295
H4 1030
D 910
H5 250
H6 800
H7 1532
H9 1800
H9 /offset
B2 2020
B3 1600
Engine Weight /t 35
Reduction gears Weight /t 12
R/G model drb-80j
L 6889
L1 4189
L2 2700
B 1993
B1 1450
H1 3042
H2 500
Bore 320
Stroke 400
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3343
Propeller revolutions 224
H3 2295
H4 1030
D 910
H5 250
H6 830
H7 1583
H9 1880
H9 /offset 860
B2 2020
B3 2000
Engine Weight /t 35
Reduction gears Weight /t 11

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:04:00.

DAIHATSU 8 DEM-33 Diesle Engine,6522 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 8 DEM-33
MDO Output KW 4800
MDO Output PS 6522
HFO Output KW 4800
HFO Output PS 6522
Rev /rpm 720
R/G model dra-120j
L 8350
L1 4480
L2 3870
B 2680
B1 1420
H1 2750
H2 500
Bore 330
Stroke 440
No. of cylinders 8
Gear ratio /typ. 4256
Propeller revolutions 176
H3 2570
H4 1030
D 1580
H5 250
H6 900
H7 1750
H9 2300
H9 /offset
B2 1770
B3 2650
Engine Weight /t 47
Reduction gears Weight /t 23
R/G model drb-120j
L 8150
L1 4480
L2 3670
B 2680
B1 1420
H1 2750
H2 500
Bore 330
Stroke 440
No. of cylinders 8
Gear ratio /typ. 3722
Propeller revolutions 202
H3 2570
H4 1030
D 1580
H5 300
H6 1000
H7 1920
H9 2500
H9 /offset 1002
B2 1770
B3 2300
Engine Weight /t 47
Reduction gears Weight /t 23

Originally posted 2017-05-17 09:01:58.

DAIHATSU 6 DEM-33 Diesle Engine,4914 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DEM-33
MDO Output KW 3600
MDO Output PS 4914
HFO Output KW 3600
HFO Output PS 4914
Rev /rpm 720
R/G model dra-100j
L 9240
L1 5540
L2 3700
B 2830
B1 1420
H1 2950
H2 500
Bore 330
Stroke 440
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3544
Propeller revolutions 212
H3 2570
H4 1030
D 1580
H5 250
H6 850
H7 1695
H9 2250
H9 /offset
B2 1770
B3 1870
Engine Weight /t 38
Reduction gears Weight /t 21
R/G model drb-100j
L 8800
L1 5540
L2 3260
B 2830
B1 1420
H1 2950
H2 500
Bore 330
Stroke 440
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3014
Propeller revolutions 249
H3 2570
H4 1030
D 1580
H5 250
H6 900
H7 1750
H9 2500
H9 /offset 871
B2 1770
B3 1870
Engine Weight /t 38
Reduction gears Weight /t 21

Originally posted 2017-05-17 08:53:34.

DAIHATSU 8 DEM-28 Diesle Engine,4120 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 8 DEM-28
MDO Output KW 3030
MDO Output PS 4120
HFO Output KW 2800
HFO Output PS 3805
Rev /rpm 750
R/G model dra-80j
L 7502
L1 4467
L2 3035
B 2018
B1 1220
H1 2532
H2 430
Bore 285
Stroke 390
No. of cylinders 8
Gear ratio /typ. 370
Propeller revolutions 202
H3 2065
H4 875
D 1170
H5 250
H6 800
H7 1532
H9 1800
H9 /offset
B2 1820
B3 1600
Engine Weight /t 28
Reduction gears Weight /t 12
R/G model drb-80j
L 7437
L1 4467
L2 2970
B 2018
B1 1220
H1 2532
H2 430
Bore 285
Stroke 390
No. of cylinders 8
Gear ratio /typ. 3343
Propeller revolutions 224
H3 2065
H4 875
D 1170
H5 250
H6 830
H7 1583
H9 1880
H9 /offset 860
B2 1820
B3 2000
Engine Weight /t 28
Reduction gears Weight /t 11

Originally posted 2017-05-17 08:52:18.

DAIHATSU 6 DEM-28 Diesle Engine,3070 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DEM-28
MDO Output KW 2260
MDO Output PS 3070
HFO Output KW 2100
HFO Output PS 2855
Rev /rpm 750
R/G model dra-40j
L 5985
L1 3545
L2 2440
B 2002
B1 1220
H1 2532
H2 430
Bore 285
Stroke 390
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3266
Propeller revolutions 230
H3 2065
H4 875
D 1310
H5 100
H6 680
H7 1387
H9 1740
H9 /offset
B2 1820
B3 1360
Engine Weight /t 22
Reduction gears Weight /t 7
R/G model drb-45j
L 5980
L1 3545
L2 2435
B 2002
B1 1220
H1 2532
H2 430
Bore 285
Stroke 390
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3294
Propeller revolutions 228
H3 2065
H4 875
D 1310
H5 260
H6 800
H7 1321
H9 1470
H9 /offset 741
B2 1820
B3 1600
Engine Weight /t 22
Reduction gears Weight /t 8.8

Originally posted 2017-05-17 08:51:00.

DAIHATSU 6 DEM-23 Diesle Engine,2060 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DEM-23
MDO Output KW 1515
MDO Output PS 2060
HFO Output KW 1515
HFO Output PS 2060
Rev /rpm 900
R/G model dra-25j
L 5303
L1 3233
L2 2070
B 1727
B1 1050
H1 1670
H2 350
Bore 230
Stroke 320
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3198
Propeller revolutions 281
H3 1660
H4 820
D 1050
H5 120
H6 565
H7 1224
H9 1580
H9 /offset
B2 1620
B3 1300
Engine Weight /t 14
Reduction gears Weight /t 3.8
R/G model drb-25j
L 5253
L1 3233
L2 2020
B 1727
B1 1050
H1 1870
H2 350
Bore 230
Stroke 320
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3258
Propeller revolutions 276
H3 1660
H4 820
D 1050
H5 200
H6 630
H7 1096
H9 1250
H9 /offset 600
B2 1620
B3 1580
Engine Weight /t 14
Reduction gears Weight /t 3.9

Originally posted 2017-05-17 08:49:54.

DAIHATSU 6 DEM-23 Diesle Engine,1680 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DEM-23
MDO Output KW 1235
MDO Output PS 1680
HFO Output KW 1235
HFO Output PS 1680
Rev /rpm 750
R/G model dra-25j
L 5303
L1 3233
L2 2070
B 1727
B1 1050
H1 1870
H2 350
Bore 230
Stroke 320
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 2840
Propeller revolutions 264
H3 1660
H4 820
D 1050
H5 120
H6 565
H7 1224
H9 1580
H9 /offset
B2 1620
B3 1300
Engine Weight /t 3.8
Reduction gears Weight /t 3
R/G model drb-19j
L 5098
L1 3233
L2 1865
B 1727
B1 1050
H1 1870
H2 350
Bore 230
Stroke 320
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 2703
Propeller revolutions 277
H3 1660
H4 820
D 1050
H5 80
H6 600
H7 1255
H9 1300
H9 /offset 553
B2 1620
B3 1455
Engine Weight /t 14
Reduction gears Weight /t 3

Originally posted 2017-05-17 08:47:59.

DAIHATSU 6 DEM-20 Diesle Engine,1440 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DEM-20
MDO Output KW 1060
MDO Output PS 1440
HFO Output KW 1060
HFO Output PS 1440
Rev /rpm 900
R/G model dra-19j
L 4790
L1 2860
L2 1930
B 1737
B1 960
H1 1860
H2 365
Bore 200
Stroke 300
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 3022
Propeller revolutions 298
H3 1575
H4 745
D 1090
H5 80
H6 500
H7 1198
H9 1500
H9 /offset
B2 1605
B3 1200
Engine Weight /t 11
Reduction gears Weight /t 2.8
R/G model drb-16j
L 4560
L1 2860
L2 1700
B 1737
B1 960
H1 1860
H2 365
Bore 200
Stroke 300
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 2941
Propeller revolutions 308
H3 1575
H4 745
D 1090
H5 120
H6 485
H7 1280
H9 1400
H9 /offset 475
B2 1605
B3 1240
Engine Weight /t 11
Reduction gears Weight /t 2.3

Originally posted 2017-05-17 08:46:38.

DAIHATSU 6 DEM-18 Diesle Engine,1155 ps

Engine Model DAIHATSU 6 DEM-18
MDO Output KW 850
MDO Output PS 1155
HFO Output KW 850
HFO Output PS 1155
Rev /rpm 900
R/G model dra-11j
L 4759
L1 3019
L2 1740
B 1590
B1 840
H1 1500
H2 290
Bore 185
Stroke 280
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 2615
Propeller revolutions 344
H3 1400
H4 750
D 1020
H5 70
H6 453
H7 1046
H9 1100
H9 /offset
B2 1455
B3 990
Engine Weight /t 8
Reduction gears Weight /t 2
R/G model drb-11j
L 4619
L1 3019
L2 1600
B 1590
B1 840
H1 1500
H2 290
Bore 185
Stroke 280
No. of cylinders 6
Gear ratio /typ. 2690
Propeller revolutions 335
H3 1400
H4 750
D 1020
H5 55
H6 440
H7 921
H9 1100
H9 /offset 378
B2 1455
B3 1190
Engine Weight /t 8
Reduction gears Weight /t 2

Originally posted 2017-05-17 08:33:38.